Our Mission

Our mission as a conservative homeschool co-op is to supplement our children's education and physical fitness. Our goal is to enrich their overall experience to allow both children and adults the opportunity for positive socialization.

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Upcoming Events

We participate in many events throughout the year. Some of them are open to the public. If you want to see the group in action, or just join us for some fun, click here to see our calendar of upcoming events!

Let's Go!


Membership in our co-op comes with many great educational and social benefits for both students and families. If you want to learn more about joining our group, click here to learn more about membership.

Let's Go!


Sponsors play a huge role in supporting our kids and families, and we do what we can to support them as well. If you want to learn more about our current sponsors or how sponsorship might benefit you, click here.

Let's Go!

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Questions? Comments? We'd love to hear from you.